Headline Sponsors

Sponsor's Prices

Step 1


Step 2

GOLD GHS 50,000.00

Step 3

SILVER GHS 30,000.00

Step 4

BRONZE GHS 15,000.00

Step 4

COPPER GHS 10,000.00

Step 4

SPONSOR GHS 5,000.00



  1. Company name attached to conference as headline sponsor
  2. Ten free registrations for staff who want to present conference papers
  3. Keynote address by a representative of the company
  4. Portrait and profile of the representative to deliver the keynote address
  5. Free allocation of a large booth for exhibition of company products
  6. Space for sale of products to students and staff of Sunyani Technical University during the period of the conference.
  7. Company name and logo on all our publication and promotional materials
  8. Name and logo on our website with link to sponsor’s page
  9. LPMs of sponsors during interludes and breaks
  10. Recognitions at all occasions when sponsors are recognised and mentioned


  1. Five free registrations for staff who want to present conference papers
  2. Company name and Logo on all our publication and promotional materials
  3. Free allocation of a medium booth for exhibition of company products
  4. Name and logo on our website with link to sponsor’s page
  5. Keynote address by a representative of the company
  6. LPMs of sponsors during interludes and breaks
  7. Recognitions at all occasions when sponsors are recognised and mentioned


  1. Three free registrations for staff who want to present conference papers
  2. Company name and Logo on our program and schedule of events/brochure
  3. Free allocation of a small booth for exhibition of company products
  4. Name and logo on our website
  5. LPMs of sponsors during interludes and breaks
  6. Recognitions at all occasions when sponsors are recognised and mentioned


  1. Two free registrations for staff who want to present conference papers
  2. Company name and Logo on our program and schedule of events/brochure
  3. Free allocation of a small booth for exhibition of company products
  4. Name and logo on our web site
  5. Recognitions at all occasions when sponsors are recognised and mentioned


  1. One free registration for a member of staff who wants to present conference paper
  2. Company name and Logo on our program and schedule of events/brochure
  3. Free allocation of a small booth for exhibition of company products
  4. Name and logo on our website
  5. Recognitions at all occasions when sponsors are recognised and mentioned


  1. One free registration for a member of staff who wants to present conference paper
  2. Company name and Logo on our program and schedule of events/brochure
  3. Recognitions at all occasions when sponsors are recognised and mentioned